Cursive Should Be Abolished! Of Cops and Consequences Online Ignorance Must Stop!
The Most Toxic Site On Earth! CONTACT ME Political Common Sense!
Internet Pirates Go Down! The Internet Is A Lynch Mob! Here's A Middle Finger For You!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

INSIDE THE EVENT: News on the High Seas - DAY 3

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Stephen L. Wilson
Smashwords Author/Publisher
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Daniel Gorbea said...

You should run for president Mr. Wilson. What a great summary of the battle! You'd definitely get my vote. :)

Steve Wilson said...

Why thank you, Mr. Gorbea! Maybe I should run for Canadian parliament as a member of, I don't know, maybe the Pirate Party? LOL

Karen said...

Is there an applause button here? *applauds vigorously* Slow but steady! You guys are kicking Pirate booty!

I've been hesitant to click on this person's Facebook page or links to his (her?) website. I don't want to validate his arrogance and crime by giving his website/FB Page more traffic! But I've been following the story from Writer's Beware and from (excellent) posts such as this.

As an avid reader and rabid fan of books and those who write them, I wish there was more I could do to help you guys combat Piracy! Until that day comes, I'll keep cheering you on and, as I've done before, pointed an author to a questionable site offering her book as a download.

Keep up the great work and the fight!

Steve Wilson said...

Bravo, Karen! Thank you for those kind words. It has been plenty of hard work, but fortunately the group has talented and dedicated people to help. It has been rewarding, and it will pay off when this group is put out of business.